Tag: design

  • Messaging that Grabs

    Get to the point

    Concise and focused, messaging, in marketing speak, are headlines, subtitles, slogans and catch phrases we use to focus your attention.

    We’re not talking about texting or emails. Messaging is a marketing, writing and editing discipline, where we refine what you’re trying to say. You can write an article about your new BMW, but it’s really just, the ULTIMATE DRIVING EXPERIENCE.

    Messaging quickly communicates—it grabs and keeps your attention. It’s a critical factor in how we speak to your audience.

    Headline news is the de-facto standard in our over-communicated society. To be seen, your message needs to be concise, to the point, and simply worth reading. Taste the rainbow. Eat Fresh, I’m loving it. Set it to music, and you have a jingle that refuses to get out of your head.

    Think Different

    Messaging comes natural for most ad agencies and copywriters. But for most of us, we have to work at it. As marketing guys, we have to communicate who you are and what you do to the people who matter. Simplifying your message makes the difference between a yes and a no. Big national brands get this. And they also have the advantage of going through this exercise with each new campaign. Smaller organizations have to work at it.

    Just Do It

    Longbow’s copywriters love this part of the job. Distilling the way you communicate into clear talking points is a part of the process.

    What’s in your Wallet?

    Everyone needs an editor. Contact Us

    ATD is Automated Trading Desk

    We began work with ATD with illustrations that distilled their technical process on which their business is founded. Often we act as translators, taking technical content and putting it into words that your audience can understand. Tech companies like to speak in terms of what they offer. It takes messaging to understand customer need.

    How can you compress the intellectual property, genius, and thousands of man hours into one picture? It was a daunting task, but one that proves the adage, a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s what Automated Trading Desk needed–a way to quickly communicate why they were so innovative.


    In addition, we helped wordsmith their content throughout the process, culminating in their tag line, “ATD is technology for smarter trading“.

    As we worked on their corporate brochure, we built from this, and stating what differentiated ATD from competitors, built the piece on these lines: “ATD is opportunity. ATD is expertise. ATD is experience. Leveraging technology for smarter trading.

    In relation to their identity, we simplified the existing logo, and applied it as seen in the brochure, and then extended this to their public internet site. We also visually created the rising stock ticks which carry through their pieces.

  • Projecting Your Brand

    Branding is Integrated

    The word branding has become commonplace, yet few organizations really tap into the full potential of their brands. Branding is really a very simple practice. Ranchers of the American frontiers marked their cattle with a distinctive mark, a brand, to be able to tell them apart at a crowded marketplace. Today, your brand is no different.

    We mark our company, our products and our services with a brand. We call these ideas about visual icons, logos, styles and cues your identity.

    Branding is the consistent application of your identity. And it can mean more than just that mark, your logo. It can mean all your organization is, its mission, its goals and vision. Well crafted branding goes beyond the logo.


  • Designing Print That Works

    So often, brochures and printed materials are made at great expense, but do not work towards your overall goals. Each document that comes from your organization are opportunities to reinforce your brand, your message and the vision of who you are.

    With any new client, our job is to discover who you are and where you want to go. Defining your positioning is critical. Position describes your market, the segment you live in, and identifies not just you, but everyone else who occupies that space; Yes, the competition. Often we have preconceptions or misconceptions about our competition. Knowing your competition allows us to build upon your strengths and differentiate them. While some of this goes beyond the scope of a print project, it’s all relevant.

    The next critical cog is understanding your audience. Again, a little research now pays off big, making your campaign, the reason for the brochure, that much more successful. Not knowing who we’re speaking to can negate all this work.

    Your brochure speaks volumes about you, on many different levels. By tieing into your strengths and connecting to your audience, we increase it’s value; We make it worth the effort.


    Award winning print, collateral, campaigns, ads, responsive sites and more.

    Designing print that works

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