Tag: marketing

  • A Focus on Advocacy

    Representative democracy works

    When groups of like minded people work together on common causes, legislators hear our collective voice. Building relationships with our state and local reps informs us and opens the dialog, so our organizations can be heard.

    As President of the American Advertising Federation (AAF) Space Coast, our delegation led advocacy efforts, along with our other local clubs and the Fourth District, which represents 21 clubs in the State of Florida and the Caribbean. We perform advocacy, working with State legislators to ensure our members have a voice representing the interests of the advertising industry. Advocacy energizes your organization and connects them to the greater community.


  • American Advertising Awards 2014

    Artemis Earns “Best of Digital” at American Advertising Awards for Digital Media and Internet Development

    Artemis brings home 4 Gold and 4 Silver Addy Awards for Websites, Internet Marketing and Integrated Campaign

    Artemis, the Space Coast’s premier internet services firm, won “Best of Category” in Digital Media and eight Addy Awards at the American Advertising Federation’s Award ceremony on February 21 at the Hilton Rialto in Melbourne.


  • Competitive Advantage

    How do you help an online retailer build new revenue streams? You’ve got to focus.

    If you sell things online, then you know it is a constant battle to stay one step ahead of the competition. Forecasting sales and meeting goals is a roller coaster for any business, but if online sales are key to your strategy, your life can be pure chaos. Just a few short years ago, you could build a store, offer some products, and with a little energy, build a decent business selling wares online. The internet has been evolving so quickly, fire and forget strategies simply do not deliver anymore.
