PR is effective
Public relations, media relations, done right—is more effective than advertising.
At it’s core, PR is telling your stories—using your news to communicate credibility. Public relations makes your business a magnet. When done properly, it establishes you as the expert.
PR begins with writing and editing. Applications include press releases, articles, collateral development, brochures and even radio and video. Public relations is communications—telling your story.
Getting that story out to the masses is the second component. Working with media, we help you develop rapport that translates into getting published or aired.
Finding your audience
Which site, publications, resources and events reach that intended audience?
Where do they live? First we identify and then connect with those resources. We furnish them with something newsworthy, something their readers want. The entire story or an idea for one, media is constantly looking for content and providing that is the key to getting ink.
How often are you covered in trade pubs, local press or even national media?
We are avid content marketers. Not only do we create content in hopes of it being published, we publish it on your media.
Beyond existing channels, in terms of content creation, we take it a step further with newsletters, internet delivery, blogs and community outreach. We create publications specifically to connect with audiences–and can do it for you.
How does your organization use and manage news and articles? By deploying a news component to your site, and including a media kit, we arm you to connect and get response. And don’t forget investor relations, community outreach and events.
News establishes who you are
Write the story and spread the word.
Internet is such a cost effective medium. Is your site a resource for those seeking your services or a brochure pushing sales propaganda? Does your CEO deliver keynotes? Do your marketing guys provide seminars or workshops? When you do so, you are the expert. You become a magnet.
How did you find Longbow?
After reading this do you see how we use public relations to connect with potential clients?
This site itself deploys our portfolio in the form of helpful articles, resources that show our credibility, then back it up. We’ve been creating original content, and recurring content creation for corporate clients in a a variety of industries. Each article establishes credibility and relevancy. See how we can deliver this for you.