Category: Blog

  • Managing the News

    News is a powerful medium.

    It can help tell your story and illustrate who you are, who you’ve worked with, and where you’re going. And yet, many organizations don’t effectively use public relations to communicate.

    The press release is a simple tool that helps get the word out. Using news as a part of your marketing strategy has many benefits, yet it’s often hard to quantify them or get the bean counters to foot the bill. I tell you today, though, that I’ve found news to be much more effective than advertising.


  • Focused Product Sheets

    Arm your sales team with the materials they need to produce results.

    Product sheets arm your sales force with a cohesive, concise tool that enables you to better market. They are the one piece of print collateral that should be updated and altered as often as your marketing team changes course.

    The key to a good sell sheet or product slick is focus. Communicating your message is critical. Working with many technical companies in diverse markets, we see similarities. It’s easy to tell all the things you can do, but how does your product or service fill the needs of the customer? When you can turn around your way of thinking and look what a user needs, you start to get on better footing. Talk to your customers, find out what moves them and you might just discover a new market or ways to tweak your offering for bigger impact.


  • Clean Internet Design

    Don’t settle. Design a clean, custom website that speaks to your audience

    As designers who build websites, often the most noticeable things we do for our clients are not visual. What makes a really good website? Building the world wide web since 1994, we know it’s more than pretty pictures or flashy logos. What Longbow is most effective at, is managing all your information.

    A designer really moves things around so they best fit a space to serves someone’s needs. User experience is the key. Since 2013, our focus has been responsive design. Mobile first, scaling in complexity, your site needs to understand the user and clearly get your message across. Design should augment that goal, not ge tin the way.
